Our literary classes, workshops, events and organizations will help you write the next chapter of your artistic story!
Writing an Illustrated Children’s Book
First and Third Thursday of Each Month / 10am – 12pm
Aspiring children’s authors and illustrators will discuss their work in a supportive environment with other colleagues. Meetings will feature guest lecturers discussing topics like publishing versus self-publishing, editing and finding an agent.
Ages: 18+
Facilitator: Anita Buice
Carrollton Writers Guild
The Carrollton Writers Guild supports a diverse group of individuals (18+) and a wide range of writing interests. Among our group are poets and writers of modern westerns, thrillers, fantasy, short stories, and memoir. We embrace all levels of ability and our goal is to encourage growth in all our members. The CWG has nearly 50 members. Annual donation is $30 for attendance at an unlimited number of meetings.
General Meetings (for all members): Second Tuesday of the even months (February, April, June, August, October, December) at 10 am in Classroom 3.
Just Poetry (a breakout group for all forms of poetry): Second Wednesday and the fourth Tuesday at 10 am in the Conference Room.
Just Prose (a breakout group for all genres of literature, fiction and nonfiction): First and third Wednesday at 10 am in Classroom 3 each month.
Just Saturday (all work fiction, nonfiction, memoir and poetry): Second Saturday of the month at 10 am in Classroom 3.
Just Memoirs: Second Tuesday at 10 am on the odd months and 11 am on the even months (after the general meeting).
Visitors are welcome to any meetings. An individual may visit twice before deciding whether to join. The CWG also hosts a variety of competitions, workshops and events. Visit the website carrolltonwritersguild.org for more information. For more information, contact Dr. Elyse Wheeler at carrolltonwritersguild@gmail.com.