CCA Membership

Why Become a Member?

For over 20 years the Carrollton Center for the Arts has provided our community with an array of educational and performance opportunities for people of all ages. Now is the time to make your investment in the arts. Join today!

The arts play an important role in our community’s social and economic health. Designated as a core academic subject, the arts are central to youth development. Students with an education rich in the arts have better GPAs, score better on standardized tests, and have lower dropout rates — findings that cut across all socio-economic categories. Investing in the arts has long been recognized as a key to community revitalization, attracting patrons and businesses to communities with thriving artistic and cultural centers. In short, an investment in the arts is an investment in the continued economic growth of our community.

To become a member, download the membership form, or visit the Carrollton Center for the Arts.

Thank you to our 2024 / 2025 Members